12 March 2009

Ava - Copics & Fimo - what a mixture!!

My darling little grand-daughter Ava who is nearly nine weeks old, had her first injections today, poor little thing, she was very brave though and and only had a little cry. :-(

Here are some photos from last week when she came to visit, just look at those lovely little chubby cheeks.

She is a real little sleepy head!!

Nearly all the pictures I have she is asleep!!

Ready for home, doesn't she look cute with her little hat on. Ben (daddy) got her all ready for home with hat and jacket and she never woke up!! lol

Here is another Copic card from Saturdays workshop, this one was made by Sue.

We are arranging another Copic workshop in Sheffield for around the end of April so if you are interested and would like some more information or you would like to book a place email info@craftden.co.uk.

There are still some places left on this Saturday's Fimo classes with Fimo Bev 10am -12 noon Easter rabbit and 1pm-3pm Teddy with basket of flowers, also on Saturday afternoon at the studio 1pm-3pm we will be decorating an MDF box with papers and paints.

We are planning another Copic workshop for April, please email for more information or to reserve a place.


  1. Ava is such a sweetie!! It must be a first though a photo without Daddy!! lol xx

  2. Yes, Paula I have to agree, she is!! I am a very lucky and very proud Grandma and can't wait until she is old enough to craft with me!! lol x


Thank you for taking the time to call by my blog. I hope you enjoyed your visit. I would love to hear your comments. Happy crafting and sewing. Love and hugs Lynne xox