Good afternoon to all my crafting blogging buddies and thank you for all the emails about how to get back on her posting again. It is nice when you get such lovely emails to offer help of how to get back on here. I must say after the last time I tried I was losing the will to live so had nearly decided to pack in blogging... anyway no ranting today, well not yet.
I have a mixture of pictures to share with you today, and lots more to show over the next few days of what we have been up to in the studio over the last week or so. It has been lovely to see so many new faces at our classes and workshops too. We celebrated the studios 3rd birthday in April our challenge blogs 1st birthday in May and had planned some blog candy so hopefully we can get that underway soon now things seem to be working OK again.
My first picture is of the studio on Saturday morning with the tables laid out ready and waiting for our card making workshop.
This is the first card we made, a nice quick one to get us all in the mood for a craft filled day.
Last year I was bought a lovely rose called 'Birthday Girl' for my 50th and this is what it looks like now a year later, just beautiful, don't you think?
and last but not least a picture of Ike the eldest of my two dogs who has not been too well recently so it is nice to see him out side enjoying this nice weather.
Thanks for popping by and if you have time and blogger will allow you! lol leave a comment and I will pop over and visit you too.
Happy crafting love and hugs Lynne xoxo